Therapist Portal

Therapist Portal








Login Page

As a therapist, I want to login to the system, so that I can manage my patients and appointments.

Additional Improvements

  • Added an "About the App" area that global admin users can customize

  • A language selection option is added in the login page to allow the users to change the systems

  • Added a show/hide password button


Password Recovery Page

As a therapist, I want to be able to recover my password in case I forget it.

Additional Improvements

  • Created customized email templates for languages English, Vietnamese, French, Arabic and Spanish

    • There is no back-end interface to add/edit these templates and any additional language templates needs to be requested before it can be added to the system


User Profile Page

As a therapist I want to view my profile so that I can manage my own information.


  • When user clicks on "User Profile" under user menu, they can immediately edit their profile and update it


Change Password

As a therapist I want to edit my password so that I can update my password and keep it secured


  • Password pattern

    • minimum 8 characters

    • at least 1 uppercase letter

    • at least 1 lowercase letter

    • at least 1 number

    • at least 1 special characters

    • cannot use old password



As a therapist I want to logout from the system


  • Clicking on the Logout button logs out the therapist and returns to the login screen


Patient Management

As a therapist, I want to be able see a list of my patients so that I manage them


  • Data table columns

    • ID - P#######

      • P - patient

      • First 3 digits - institution id

      • Last 4 digits - patient id 

    • Last Name

    • First Name

    • Date of Birth

    • Lead/Supplementary Therapist

    • Notifications

Additional Improvements

  • Therapist can access patient treatment plan history and details by clicking on patient row

  • Added a Notifications column to display:

    • Number of unread messages

    • Number of exercises in the last 3 days that are above the pain level threshold

    • Completion progress of exercises in the last 3 days

  • Changed the default items to display to 50 items and can be incremented by 50 until 200 items


Patient Creation/Editing

As a therapist, I want to create/edit patient and their info so that I can add them to my patient list


  • Therapist the create the patient account will automatically be the lead therapist

  • Patients are uniquely identified by the phone number that they use for registration

Additional Improvements

  • Therapist can now enter patient phone number from a different country

  • Therapist can assign supplementary therapist to their patient

  • Only the lead therapist can edit the patient info, deactivate and delete the patient


Patient Deactivation

As the lead therapist, I want to be able to activate/deactivate patient users, so that I can enable or temporarily disable their access to the system


  • For disabling access of delinquent patients before deleting their account

  • Also prevents accidental deletion of active patient accounts


Patient Deletion

As the lead therapist, I want to be able to delete patient users, so that I can permanently removed from the system


  • When patients get deleted, their data is kept for research purposes but their personal identifiable information is deleted or obfuscated


Patient Treatment Information

As a therapist, I want to see the treatment information of a patient, so that I can view their treatment history and manage their treatment plan


  • The patient information and treatment history detail page can be accessed by clicking on the patient row in the patient list


Treatment Details Page

As a therapist, I want to be able to see a patient treatment details, so that I can manage it


  • The treatment plan details can be accessed by clicking on the specific plan on the treatment history list

  • Users can view the following:

    • List of activities for the treatment plan

    • Duration of the treatment plan

    • Adherence of patients to the treatment plan

    • Answered questionnaires

    • Goal tracking


Create/Edit Treatment Plan from Patient Information

As a therapist, I want to be able to create/edit a patient's treatment plan so that I can add/update it


  • One of two ways to create a treatment plan

  • Created treatment plan from the patient information page is automatically assigned to the patient

  • Only planned and ongoing treatment plans can be edited or extended

Additional Improvement

  • Goals can only be added to treatment plan when it is assigned to a patient and when created from this workflow

  • Therapist can assign an International Disease Classification to the patient's treatment plan

  • Supplementary therapists can add activities to the treatment plan


Activities Tab

As a therapist, I want to to be able to list the exercises, education materials and questionnaires in a weekly plan so that I can review the planned the activities of the treatment plan


  • Activities are displayed as cards and details of the activities can be seen by clicking on the card


Add Activity

As a therapist, I want to be able to add activities to a treatment plan, so that I can modify and update the treatment plan


  • Available when creating or editing treatment plans

  • All activities in a specific day can be remove by clicking on the "Clear All" link on the top of the day column

Additional Improvements

  • While adding exercise activities, therapist can modify the default sets and reps of the exercise for that particular day that it was added to

  • While adding exercise activities, therapist can add extra information in the Additional Information field

  • When adding a preset treatment plan template, all activities of that template will automatically be added to the current treatment plan


Copy All Activities

As a therapist, I want to be able to copy all activities of a day so that I can quickly add them to different days



Exercise Cards

As a therapist, I want to display the exercise information as cards, so that I can visually display the important information easily


  • Only the primary image is seen in the exercise card

  • The exercise title will display a maximum of 3 lines

  • Clicking on the cards will display full details about the exercise

  • In the library, a copy or edit button can be accessed from the card detail page

  • In the library, if the activity is a copy or created by the therapist, an owner icon will be seen before the activity title

  • In the library, if the activity is a copy or created by the therapist, a delete icon can be seen on the card

Additional Improvements

  • The sets and reps information, if available, can be seen in the cards


Education Material Card

As a therapist, I want to display the education material information as cards, so that I can visually display the important information easily


  • A preview of the attached education material can be seen in the card thumbnail 

  • The activity title will display a maximum of 3 lines

  • The detail page displays the preview of the attachment

  • The detail page has the link to download the attachment

  • In the library, a copy or edit button can be accessed from the card detail page

  • In the library, if the activity is a copy or created by the therapist, an owner icon will be seen before the activity title

  • In the library, if the activity is a copy or created by the therapist, a delete icon can be seen on the card


Questionnaire Card

As a therapist, I want to display the questionnaire information as cards, so that I can visually display the important information easily


  • The activity title will display a maximum of 3 lines

  • The card will show the total number of questions

  • The detail view displays each question in a collapsible frame and can be expanded to see the question details

  • The detail view will display any image add to a question

  • Questions in the detail view is not answerable

  • In the library, a copy or edit button can be accessed from the card detail page

  • In the library, if the activity is a copy or created by the therapist, an owner icon will be seen before the activity title

  • In the library, if the activity is a copy or created by the therapist, a delete icon can be seen on the card


Adherence Tab

As a therapist, I want to be able to see the patient's percent completion of daily activities and their pain levels so that I can track the progress and effectiveness of the treatment plan


  • The therapist can specify the date range of what data to show in the chart, by default it will be set to the entire duration of the treatment plan

  • The chart will only list days that have activities

  • A collapsible box is shown for each day of the treatment plan that has an exercise

  • The collapsible box list the exercises for that day that show the completed sets and reps and reported pain level feedback (if required by the exercise)


Questionnaires Tab

As a therapist, I want to be able to see the list of questionnaires that the patient has respond to and their details


  • The list is displayed as a data table which shows the following information about the questionnaire:

    • Submitted Date

    • Title/Description

    • Number of questions

    • Actions (View)

  • Viewing the details of the questionnaire displays each question in a collapsible frame and can be expanded to see the question details and the patient answers stored


Goals Tracking Tab

As a therapist, I want to be able to see the list of goals that I have set for the patient patient so that I can quickly track their progress


  • Each goal has a graph that tracks the patient's satisfaction level


Library Management

As a therapist I want to be able to access activities from the global library so that I can create treatment plans and treatment presets and assign them to patients


  • Library management page has a tab selector to display list of:

    • Exercises

    • Education Materials

    • Questionnaires

    • Preset treatments

  • The active tab determines what content is created


Content Creation - Exercise

As a therapist, I like to be able to create exercise contents so that I can add my own content in the library


  • Therapist can create a new content or copy and existing content and modify them

  • The therapist cannot exceed the system limit for creating own content

  • The created content will only be available to the therapist that created them


Content Creation - Education Material

As a therapist, I like to be able to create education material contents so that I can add my own content in the library


  • Therapist can create a new content or copy and existing content and modify them

  • The therapist cannot exceed the system limit for creating own content

  • The created content will only be available to the therapist that created them


Content Creation - Questionnaire

As a therapist, I like to be able to create questionnaire contents so that I can add my own content in the library


  • Therapist can create a new content or copy and existing content and modify them

  • The therapist cannot exceed the system limit for creating own content

  • The created content will only be available to the therapist that created them


Create/Edit Treatment Plan from Library Page

As a therapist, I like to be able to select content so that I can create a treatment plan and assign them to my patient


  • In the library page, the therapist can select activity cards which are collected on a side drawer panel

  • Collected activities across any tabs can be used to create a treatment plan by clicking on the Create Treatment Plan button on the side drawer

    • These activities will be added on the first day of the treatment plan

  • On the create treatment plan page, the therapist can select the patient to assign the treatment plan or can opt to save it as a treatment plan preset


Preset Treatment Creation

As a therapist, I like to be able to create a treatment plan preset so that I can use it to quickly assign the same treatment plan to multiple patients


  • Preset treatment does not have a start date

  • Preset treatment does not require the therapist to assign goals


Appointment Management

As a therapist, I want to be able to see the list of my patient appointments so that I can manage them


  • Selecting a day in the calendar will list the appointments of that day in the appointment list, click on the day again to deselect

  • All upcoming appointments are listed by default in the appointment list

Additional Improvements

  • Added some color scheme to differentiate accepted vs. rejected appointments

    • HI blue (#0077c8) for accepted appointment 

    • HI supplementary color (#edc8a3) for neither accepted nor rejected appointments

    • HI supplementary color (#e35205) with strikeout for rejected appointments


Create/Edit Appointment

As a therapist, I want to be able to create/edit patient appointments so that I can schedule online counseling with them


  • Click the "Add Appointment" button to create an appointment

    • Select the patient, date and time of appointment

Additional Improvements

  • Add a Note field for appointments

  • Made the time increments to 15mins

  • Automatically fill in the To time field to be 15mins after the From field

  • Rejected appointments can be edited and will change the appointment status to a new (neither accepted nor rejected)


Appointment Cancellation

As a therapist, I want to be able to cancel patient appointments that I created, so that I can remove incorrectly scheduled appointments


  • Therapist can delete the appointments that they created and gets removed from the patients appointment lists


Accept/Reject Appointments

As a therapist, I want to be able to accept or reject appointments requested by my patients, so that my patients can know that I'm not available on that schedule


  • Therapist can accept or reject the appointments created by their patients and it gets updated in the patients appointment list


Chat/Call Management

As a therapist, I have a chat/call page so that I can manage the chats and calls to my patients


  • Select the patient in the contact list to load their call/chat history and perform chats and call functions

  • Only patients that has active accounts will be listed in the contact list

  • Total number of online patients is displayed on the top of the contact list

  • Can search/filter patients from the contact list

  • An online indicator is shown next to the patient name

  • Last message is shown in the contact list

  • Last time patient is active is shown in the contact list

  • Total of unread message count is shown in the contact list


Patient Chat/Messaging

As a therapist, I want to send messages to my patients and see our chat/message history


  • Select the patient in the contact list to load their call/chat history to send messages

  • Can send attachments with messages

  • Patient's messages is on the left side and in white message boxes

  • Therapist's messages is on the right side and in blue message boxes


Displaying and Downloading Chat Attachments

As a therapist, I want to display the message attachments so that I can view/play images/video and download them


  • Attachment sent will show in the message panel

  • Therapist can click on the attachment to expand and download the attachment


Patient Voice/Video Calls

As a therapist, I want to be able to do voice/video calls with my patients so that I can talk to them


  • Select the patient in the contact list to load their call/chat history and click the voice call or video call icon on the top of the message panel 

  • Therapists can mute themselves or the patient

  • Therapists can turn on/off their video camera



As a therapist, I want to view brief information about my patients and treatments


  • There are two main information visual aids in the dashboard 1) information cards and 2) charts

  • Cards

    • Total number of Patients

    • Total number of On-going treatment plans

  • Charts

    • Total number of patients by gender

    • Total number of patients by age (range per 10)

    • Total number of on-going treatment plans by gender

    • Total number of on-going treatment plans by age (range per 10)

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