- Created by Lysa Thorn , last modified by Martin Jacobs on Mar 16, 2023
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First Time Login
After the user receives the account creation notification email and clicks on the link provided in the email, it will launch a page that will ask the user to set their password.
After successfully setting up your password, you will be redirected to the Dashboard.
Successive Login
After initial password setup, successive login will load the regular login page.
User Creation
To create an administrator user, go to the Admins menu and click on the + New Admin button to open the create New Admin pop-up.

On the pop-up, select if you want to create a Global Admin or Country Admin. If you are logged in as a Country Admin you can only choose to create a Clinic Admin.
NOTE: By default, the selected country of the clinic admin will be the same country of the Country Admin user that creates the account. This cannot be changed. |
Fill in the required information and click on Create to create the user or Cancel to cancel the user creation and close the pop-up.
After the user is created, an email will be sent to the email address that was set on the form and will contain instructions to access the system and reset their password.
User Profile and Settings
The user can edit their profile and personal settings by clicking on their names on the top-right corner and clicking on User Profile.
This will open the user's Profile Information and the user can edit and update their information and language preference.

Clicking on the Password tab will switch to the password update panel and allow the user to change/reset their password.
To save any updated information, click on the Save button or click on the Cancel button to cancel and go back to the previous page.
Application Settings
The following sections below list the elements/entities that the Global Admin and Country Admin can create and/or set for the entire system.
The Country entity is created by the Global Admin and allows other users to select them as their country information. To create a country go to the Settings menu and click on the Countries tab and click on the + New Country button to open the create New Country pop-up.
On the pop-up, enter the following required information:
Name - Name of the country (predefined list of countries)
ISO Code - Two-letter ISO country code (auto filled adapt by country selected)
Phone Code - International country phone code (auto filled adapt by country selected)
Language - Default language for the country
Therapist Limit - The number of total therapist users that can be created for this country
NOTE: The language will be selected based on the Language entity that is already created in the system (see the Languages section below). |
The Language entity is created by the Global Admin and allows other users to select them as language preferences for the system. To create a language go to the Settings menu and click on the Languages tab and click on the + New Language button to open the create New Language pop-up.
On the pop-up, enter the following required information:
Name - Name of the language
Code - Two-letter ISO language code
RTL Layout - Right to Left language support
The Clinic entity is created by the Country Admin and allows them to create clinics where therapists and patients can be assigned to. To create a clinic go to the Settings menu and click on the Clinics tab and click on the + New Services button to open the create New Clinic/Services pop-up.
On the pop-up, enter the following required information:
Name - Name of the clinic
Region - The region where the clinic is located
City - City where the clinic is located
Province - Province where the clinic is located, optional
Therapist’s Limit - The number of total therapist users that can be created for this clinic
NOTE: Clinics are managed by Clinic Admins, they are the ones that add and create therapist user accounts. See the Therapist Creation section below for more information. |
The Profession entity is created by the Country Admin and allows the Clinic Admin to select from a list of approved professions that they can assign to therapist users. To create a profession go to the Settings menu and click on the Professions tab and click on the + New Profession button to open the create New Profession pop-up.
On the pop-up, enter the following required information:
Name - Name of the profession
Translation labels are entered by the Global Admin and allow the system to be displayed in the language that the users set in their user preferences. Each label displayed in the system is listed in the translation table. The Global Admin can enter translations for each available language in their respective columns. The default language of the system is English and the succeeding columns are the other languages that were added by the Global Admin.
The user can display the labels used on each platform: 1) Admin Portal, 2) Therapist Portal, and 3) Patient App by selecting from the Platform dropdown.

They can quickly search and filter the labels by entering a text on the search bar and/or filter search fields. Users can view the filter search fields by clicking on the Filter button.
They can hide the other languages column by clicking on the Columns button.
To enter label translations, click on the Edit link at the start of the row and fill in the appropriate translations in the text field below each language column. Click the Save link to save the translations and Cancel to cancel the changes.
Terms and Conditions
The Terms and Conditions document is created by the Global Admin and contains the terms and conditions the users have to consent to for them to use the system. To create a new Terms and Conditions document go to the Settings menu and click on the Terms & Conditions tab and click on the + New Terms & Conditions button to open the New Terms & Conditions pop-up
On the pop-up, enter the following required information:
Showing language version - This displays the language of the document. If this is a new document, it will always show English by default to create the initial document in the default language.
Version - The version number of the document
Content - Rich text content of the document.
Only one Terms and Conditions document can be published or active at a time. When the Global Admin clicks on the publish button, the previously published Terms and Conditions document will have an expired status.
An unpublished Terms and Conditions document will have a draft status.
To create a translated version of the document, the Global Admin can edit a Terms and Conditions document in draft status and then select a new language in the Showing language version dropdown of the Edit Terms & Conditions pop-up.

NOTE: Whenever a new Terms and Conditions document is published, users are required to renew their consent to the document when they login into the system. |
Privacy Policy
The Privacy Policy document is created by the Global Admin and contains the privacy policy of the system the users have to consent to for them to use the system. To create a new Privacy Policy document go to the Settings menu and click on the Privacy Policy tab and click on the + New Privacy Policy button to open the New Privacy Policy pop-up
On the pop-up, enter the following required information:
Showing language version - This displays the language of the document. If this is a new document, it will always show English by default to create the initial document in the default language.
Version - The version number of the document
Content - Rich text content of the document.
Only one Privacy Policy document can be published or active at a time. When the Global Admin clicks on the publish button, the previously published Privacy Policy document will have an expired status.
An unpublished Privacy Policy document will have a draft status.
To create a translated version of the document, the Global Admin can edit a Privacy Policy document in draft status and then select a new language in the Showing language version dropdown of the Edit Privacy Policy pop-up.

NOTE: Whenever a new Privacy Policy document is published, users are required to renew their consent to the document when they login into the system. |
System Limits
The System Limits tab lists certain system parameter limits that can be changed by the Global Admin. Below are the parameter limits that can be changed:
Number of ongoing treatment per therapist - The default ongoing treatment limit for a new therapist
Therapist Content Limit - The maximum (combined) number of custom exercises, education materials, and questionnaires that a therapist can create.
Pain threshold limit - The pain level threshold limit that will trigger a notification on the patient list in the therapist portal
Static Pages
The Static Pages tab lists static page content that can be created and modified by the Global Admin. Other users will see them in the system by clicking on their names on the top-right corner and clicking the menu item of the page. It can also be shown on special areas of the system like the login page and mobile app splash screen.
To add a Static Page go to the Settings menu and click on the Static Pages tab and click on the + New Static Page button to open the create New Static Page pop-up.
On the pop-up, enter the following information:
Showing language version - This displays the language of the document. If this is a new document, it will always show English by default to create the initial document in the default language.
Title - The title of the document
Platform - Select to which platform the page will be made available: 1) Admin Portal, 2) Therapist Portal, and 3) Patient App
URL path segment - The URL path where the page is accessible. This will be automatically filled in based on the title of the document, in lowercase, and the spaces replaced with ‘-’.
Banner Image
Page Background Color
Page Text Color
Content - Rich text content of the document.
To create a translated version of the document, the Global Admin can edit a Static Page document and then select a new language in the Showing language version dropdown of the Edit Static Page pop-up.

After a successful login into the Admin Portal, the user will land on the Dashboard page. The dashboard displays different quick information about the system for the user.
The information is presented in the following format:
Information Cards - These cards will list simple data about the system like the total number of countries, admins, therapists, etc.
Collapsible Boxes - These boxes will display information as maps, charts, or graphs. The boxes can be clicked on top to show/hide the information
Admin Portal Dashboard
The Admin Portal dashboard displays the following information:
Global Admin Users
Information Cards
Total number of Global Admins
Total number of Country Admins
Total number of Clinic Admins
Total number of Therapists
Collapsible Boxes
A map that highlights each country added to the system
Bar graph of clinic admin per country
Bar graph of therapists per country with a line graph of system limit
Total number of patients by gender per country (grouped bar chart)
Total number of patients by age (range per 10) per country (grouped bar chart)
Total number of ongoing treatment plans by gender per country (grouped bar chart)
Total number of ongoing treatment plans by age (range per 10) per country (grouped bar chart)
Country Admin Users
Information Cards
Total number of Clinic Admins
Total number of Therapists / Therapist Country Limit
Collapsible Boxes
Bar graph of therapist per clinic with a line graph of system limit
Total number of patients by gender per clinic (grouped bar chart)
Total number of patients by age (range per 10) per clinic (grouped bar chart)
Total number of the ongoing treatment plan by gender per clinic (grouped bar chart)
Total number of the ongoing treatment plan by age (range per 10) per clinic (grouped bar chart
Clinic Admin Users
Information Cards
Total number of Therapists / Therapist Clinic Limit
Total number of Patients
Total number of Ongoing Treatment Plans
Admins Page
Clicking on the Admins menu item will display a page that lists the different admin users registered in the system. Different administrator roles can view specific administrator lists.
Global Admin users can view the lists of Global Admins and Country Admins by clicking each respective tab.

Country Admin users can view the lists of Clinic Admins.

NOTE: Clinic Admin users cannot access the Admins menu. |
Users can quickly search and filter the list of admin users by entering a text on the search bar and/or filter search fields. They can view the filter search fields by clicking on the Filter button.
Users can hide the other columns in the list by clicking on the Columns button.
Users can also do some quick actions to specific admin users on the list by clicking on the Activate, Edit, Delete, or Mail icons.

Therapist Page
The page is only available for Global Admin users and Clinic Admin users. Clicking on the Therapist menu will display a page that lists the different therapist users registered in the system.
NOTE: Global Admin users can see the list of therapists in the whole system, but all identifiable information about the therapist will be hidden (e.g. name, email, etc.) |
Users can quickly search and filter the list of therapist users by entering a text on the search bar and/or filter search fields. They can view the filter search fields by clicking on the Filter button.
Users can hide the other columns in the list by clicking on the Columns button.
Clinic Admin users can do some quick actions to specific therapist users on the list by clicking on the Activate, Edit, Delete or Mail icons.

Therapist Creation
Clinic Admins can create therapist user accounts to allow therapists under their clinic to access the Therapist Portal. To create a Therapist click on the + New Therapist button to display the New Therapist pop-up.

The pop-up will have the following information:
Email - The therapist’s email that will be used to login into the Therapist Portal
Country - Automatically set to the country of the Clinic Admin. This cannot be changed.
Ongoing treatment limit - The maximum ongoing treatment limit that the therapist can have to ensure that the therapists can attend to their patients.
Last Name - Family name or surname of the therapist
First Name - Given name of the therapist
Profession - Specialization of the therapist. Selected from a list specified by the Country Admin.
Clinic/Service - Automatically set to the clinic of the Clinic Admin. This cannot be changed.
Language - The preferred language by the therapist. This can later be changed by the therapist user on the Therapist Portal.
Patients Page
The page is only available for Global Admin users. Clicking on the Patients menu will display a page that lists the different patient users registered in the system. All identifiable information about the patient will be hidden (e.g. name, email, etc.)
Users can quickly search and filter the list of patients users by entering a text on the search bar and/or filter search fields. They can view the filter search fields by clicking on the Filter button.
Users can hide the other columns in the list by clicking on the Columns button.
Users can view the patient’s treatment history and treatment details by clicking on the patient row to open the treatment history list.
Click on the row of a treatment plan on the list to view the details.
Library Page
The page is only available for Global Admin users. Clicking on the Library menu will display a page that lists a global library of different activities that a therapist can assign to their patients. There are three different types of activities 1) Exercises, 2) Education Materials, and 3) Questionnaires. A list for each activity type can be accessed by clicking on their respective tabs on the Library page.
Get the list of existing Exercises by clicking on the Exercises tab on the Library page. The exercises are displayed as cards that show the following:
An animated image of the exercise action
The name of the exercise
Target sets and reps that the patient needs to complete
An edit icon to modify the exercise details
A delete icon to remove the exercise from the Library
Double-clicking on the card will show all details of the exercise. It will display any additional information that the user has added.
Creating a Single Exercise
To create a new exercise, click on the + New Content button while the active tab is Exercise, to open the Add New Exercise page.
The Add New Exercise page will have the following information:
Select the Upload single exercise radio button
A MEDIA section to display the uploaded image/video to the exercise
An Upload Image button - Opens a file browser pop-up to select the image to upload. Users can select multiple images.
Showing language version - This displays the language of the exercise. If this is a new exercise, it will always show English by default to create the initial exercise in the default language.
Title - The title/name of the exercise
CATEGORIES section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each main category.
A category box will show a tree view of sub-categories that the user can select to categorize the exercise
Additional Information - Users can add more information fields by clicking on the + Add more field link. Each additional information will require the users to enter a Label and Value field.
Creating Exercises in Bulk
Users can create multiple exercises by clicking on the + New Content button while the active tab is Exercise, to open the Add New Exercise page and select the Upload bulk exercises radio button.
Users can browse for the spreadsheet file that they want to upload and then click on the Upload button to start the importing process.
The spreadsheet should have the following columns, in the correct order, for a successful upload:
Exercise ID - If left blank or does not exists in the system, then this is a new exercise and needs to be created and if the ID already exists in the system, then the entries are used to update the existing exercise
URL of the image(s) - URL path where the image can be downloaded. To upload multiple images, enter multiple URLs separated by a comma
Exercise Title - Name of the exercise
Set default sets and reps - Enter ‘yes’ if you want to set the default sets and reps target count for the exercise. Enter ‘no’ if not.
Sets - If you answered yes on the Set default sets and reps column, enter a non-zero value
Reps - If you answered yes on the Set default sets and reps column, enter a non-zero value
Collect set reps feedback - If you answered yes on the Set default sets and reps column, enter ‘yes’ if you want to collect the patient’s sets and reps feedback. Enter ‘no’ if not.
Collect pain level - Enter ‘yes’ if you want to collect the patient’s pain level feedback. Enter ‘no’ if not.
Categories - Enter the categories that you want to label the exercise separated by a comma. Follow the following format:
Dynamic fields - Enter the additional information fields that you want to add to the exercise separated by a comma. Follow the following format:
NOTE: Exercise translations can be entered by creating a duplicate of the sheet and naming it as the language (using the language ISO code) that you want to translate to. The assumption is that the same exercises are in the same row and use the same column fields. |
Search and Filter
Users can filter the exercise list by entering a search text, selecting a matching language, and/or selecting matching categories in the Search and Filter sidebar. The list will automatically update as soon as the user enters or selects information from the sidebar.
NOTE: Global Admin users can download a spreadsheet of the filtered exercise by clicking on the Download Exercises button at the bottom of the Search and Filter sidebar. The spreadsheet will follow the structure described in the Creating Exercises in Bulk section. |
Education Materials
Get the list of existing Education Materials by clicking on the Education Materials tab on the Library page.
Users can also do some quick actions to specific education material items on the list by clicking on the View, Edit, or Delete icons.
Clicking on the view icon will display a pop-up containing the details on the education material. The user can quickly preview and download the attachments in the pop-up.
Creating Education Materials
To create a new education material, click on the + New Content button while the active tab is Education Materials, to open the Add New Education Material page.
The Add New Education Material page will have the following information:
Showing language version - This displays the language of the education material. If this is a new education material, it will always show English by default to create the initial education material in the default language.
Title - The title/name of the educational material
Upload file - Upload the document/file that will be attached to the educational material content.
The attachment can be a PDF, image, or video file.
CATEGORIES section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each main category.
A category box will show a tree view of sub-categories that the user can select to categorize the exercise
NOTE: When creating translated versions of education materials, the user also needs to upload a translated version of the attachment. If not, the translated education material item will be visible but no attachment file can be downloaded. |
Search and Filter
Users can filter the education material list by entering a search text, selecting a matching language, and/or selecting matching categories in the Search and Filter sidebar. The list will automatically update as soon as the user enters or selects information from the sidebar.
Get the list of existing Questionnaires by clicking on the Questionnaires tab on the Library page.
Users can also do some quick actions to specific questionnaire items on the list by clicking on the View, Edit, or Delete icons.
Clicking on the view icon will display a pop-up containing the details on the questionnaires. Each question in the questionnaire is in its collapsible box.
Creating Questionnaires
To create a new questionnaire, click on the + New Questionnaire button while the active tab is Questionnaires, to open the Add New Questionnaire page.
The Add New Questionnaire page will have the following information:
Title - The title/name of the questionnaire
Showing language version - This displays the language of the questionnaire. If this is a new questionnaire, it will always show English by default to create the initial questionnaire in the default language.
Description - A short description of the questionnaire. Users can also add general instructions for the questionnaire in this field.
CATEGORIES section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each main category.
A category box will show a tree view of sub-categories that the user can select to categorize the exercise
QUESTIONS section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each question
A questionnaire has at least one question
Add another question box by clicking on the ⊕ New Question link.
Question Box
Users enter the details of a question on the collapsible question box. The box has the following information:
Enter title - The question text
Upload image - Users can upload an image that can supplement the question
Question type - A dropdown selection of either of the following:
Checkboxes - Users can select multiple answers from the options presented
Multiple choice - Users can select one answer from the options presented
Open-ended free text - Users can enter a text-based answer to the question
Open-ended numbers only - Users can enter a numeric answer to the question
NOTE: Questions that are either Checkboxes or Multiple choice types will require the user to enter options of possible choices. |
Search and Filter
Users can filter the questionnaire list by entering a search text, selecting a matching language, and/or selecting matching categories in the Search and Filter sidebar. The list will automatically update as soon as the user enters or selects information from the sidebar.
Categories Page
The page is only available for Global Admin users. Clicking on the Categories menu will display a page a list of categories that can be used to label activities created on the global library. Each type of activity has its own set of categories and can be accessed on their corresponding tabs on the Categories page.
Users can quickly search and filter the list of categories by entering a search text on the search bar located on the top of the listing.
Each category can be three levels deep with each level displayed separately in a column.
To create a category, users need to first click on the tab of the activity type for which the category will be created and then click on the ⊕ button on the top of the columns to display the New Category pop-up.
The pop-up will have the following information:
Showing language version - This displays the language of the created category. If this is a new category, it will always show English by default to create the category in the default language.
Category - The name of the category.
Category Value - Create the subcategories under this category by entering multiple values separated by a semicolon.
The button on the first column will create the level 1 category and the button on the second column will create a level 2 subcategory. Clicking on a category item in the first column will display its subcategories in the second column and click on a subcategory in this column will display its level 3 subcategories in the third column.
- No labels
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