Add pop up notifications on smartphone homepage for call/new message/daily activities/daily appointment/appointment request and on in-app tab menu. Consider offline pop-up notifications.
Increase size of read a loud icon (exercise)
Increase size of clock icon (appointment request)
Add button to manually force confirmation of the OTP verification code received via SMS
Allow large videos that a patient/therapist can upload using the chat
Add zoom in option (double click and "stretch")
Reduce app size to minimum (initial download) by removing unnecessary cosmetic details.
Inform therapists, via alert message, they reached the maximum number of additional content uploaded in the library - including number limit in the message.
Inform therapists, via alert message, the file submitted for upload is over the maximum file size limit - include max size limit in the message.
Allow therapists to assign appointment or use chat if patient never logged in.
Make Patient list the Landing page for therapists
For preset treatment (from the library): - Add assign button (not having to go through "edit"), Allow to customize sets and reps and add additional information in the edit mode
In the assign pop up: Organize as in the treatment creation page (including display, wording, mandatory items, international classification of disease)
Allow edit of questionnaires after first save (number of questions; type of answer)
Allow forced therapist deletion without patient transfer
Allow organization name to be changed manually
OpenTeleRehab Library
The OpenTeleRehab library includes:
Create an online rehabilitation resources library/repository for the public
Allow the public to add/contribute resources to the library
Allow the public to add/improve translations of resources other languages
Allow exercises from this library to be imported into the Admin Portal of the OpenTeleRehab system
The Telerehabilitation app includes the creation of:
Admin portal
Therapist portal
Patient portal
No labels
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