Define the feature and functionalities of the Back-End Admin App
Background and strategic fit
User Story Title
User Story Description
Feature | Comments |
1 |
Login Page As a back-end system admin, I want to login to the system, so that I can manage the |
OpenRehab back-end system. |
Acceptance Criteria
When I access the “Login page”, I will see the Login screen
In the Login screen, I will be able to login by using Username and Password. The Login screen will have:
Username: Textbox
Password: Textbox
Login button
Forgot your password?: Hyperlink
Clicking the login button
If I input the correct Username and Password then I will be sent to the Dashboard screen
If I input the invalid Username/Password:
If I do not input the Username or password, when I click the Login button a red text line message will be displayed: “Please fill in the Username/Password”.If I input the wrong Username or password, when I click the Login button a red text line message will be displayed: “Incorrect Username or password. Please try again”.
Clicking “Forgot your password?”
I will be sent to a Recovery page that I could type my email registered with the system and receive the password.
Must have
Password Recovery Page
As a back-end system admin, I want to be able recover my password in case I forgot it.
Acceptance Criteria
When I click the “Forgot your password?” link in the login page I see the password recovery page that has:
Email: Textbox
Recover Password button
Back to login page hyperlink
Clicking Recovery button:
If the input email exists in the database then the password will be sent to the email.
Else a red text line message under the Login button will be displayed: “Your email does not exist.”.
Clicking the "< Login" hyperlink sends me back to the login page
Must have
User Roles and Permission
As the site admin I want to define different user roles and permission so that I can set the what can and cannot be done by back-end system admins.
Acceptance Criteria
Define the user roles and permission as describe by the table in the User Roles page
Must Have
As a Back-end Admin, I want to view brief information about therapists and treatments
Acceptance Criteria
When I click to Dashboard menu, I will go to the Dashboard screen
Global Admin users should display the following information charts (includes worldwide separation by country, age and gender)
Number of current therapists
Number of current ongoing treatments / total patient limit
Number of total treatments
Number of total patients
Country Admin users should display the following information charts (includes countrywide separation by age and gender)
Number of current ongoing treatments / total patient limit
Number of total treatments
Number of total patients
Must have
User Profile Page
As a back-end admin, I want to view and edit my profile so that I can manage my own information.
Acceptance Criteria
When I click the user name in the menu, it displays the a drop-down that lists the following action
Update profile
Change password
Log out
The page displays two tabs
Profile Information
Clicking the tab headers switches the active tab
Must have
Update Profile
As a back-end admin I want to edit profile so that I can update my profile information
Acceptance Criteria
Clicking Update profile opens the profile page with Profile Information tab active
Profile tab has
First Name and Last Name
Text field, required
Contain text only, max length 255 characters
Text field, required
Contain text only, max length 255 characters
Follows email pattern: "text@text.text"
Mobile phone numberSplit intoarea code/mobile carrier prefixmax length: 5
phone numbermax length: 10
Text fieldContain digits only
Country (country and clinic admins)
Region/Province (clinic admins only)
Drop-down (set up by country admin)
Drop-down (set up by country admin)
Options: Male, Female or Other
Date of birth
Date field
Format: dd/mm/yyyy
Display calculated age
Save button
Enable if something is changed
If all field values satisfy the validations, the data will be saved
Show system notification Save successfully.”
If there is a field that does not match the condition
System will show a red text line in the right of input field
First Name and Last Name: “No number allowed.”
Phone Number: “Only digit numbers are allowed.”
If there is a required field that is blank, show a red text line in the right of input field “Cannot leave blank.”
Cancel button
Reverts all information to the last saved data
Must have
Change Password
As a back-end admin I want to edit my password so that I can update my password and keep it secured
Acceptance Criteria
Clicking Change password opens the profile page with Password tab active
Password tab has
Old Password: text field, required
New Password: text field, required
Confirm New Password: text field, required
Save button
Enable if something is changed
If Old password is correct and New password and Confirm new password match each other
Then, the new password is updated to the database
Show system notification “Password changed successfully!”
If the password input in Old Password does not match with the current password, a red text line
message will be displayed: “Old password is not valid.”If the input New password and Confirm new password do not match each other, a red text line message will be displayed: “
Confirmnew password does not match.”
Cancel button
Reverts all information to the last saved data
Must have
As a back-end admin I want to be able to logout of the system
Acceptance Criteria
Clicking Log out
A modal popup will be shown “Are you sure you want to log out?”
Choose YES: I will be returned to the login page
Choose NO: I will stay at the current page
Must have
Admin Management
As a global admin I want to access to Global, Country and Clinic list so that I can manage the Admin accounts
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on Admins menu, I will be sent to the Admin Management screen with the following content:
Tab Bar
Global Admins
Can be accessed by Global Admins
When clicked, displays the list of global admins
Country Admins
Can be accessed by Global Admins
Can be accessed by Country Admins
When clicked, displays the list of country admins
Clinic Admins
Can be accessed by Global Admins
Can be accessed by Country Admins
When clicked, displays the list of clinic admins
New Admin button
Can be accessed by Global Admins
Can be accessed by Country Admins
When clicked, displays an admin creation modular pop-up form
Search box
When users input the text (at least 1 character), the Admins list will only return the records that one of their column values contain the search text (except Action column)
Filter button
When users click on the Filters button, a filter bar will appear below the title row with the search boxes corresponding to each title (except Action column):
Search boxes (ID, First Name and Last Name, Email):
Default: blank
When users input the text (at least 1 character), the Admins list will only return the records that have the search input text contained in the value column
Dropdown (Status)
Default: All
Filters admin list that matches selected status
Calendar picker (Last Login)
Default: blank
Last Login
Date format: dd/mm/yyyy
Filter admin list that last login was on or before the selected date
Close icon: Closes/hide the Filters bar
Columns button
Shows a check box list of columns that are displayed in the admin list
Default: All checked
If some columns are unchecked, All Columns check box is automatically unchecked
When an item is unchecked, column is not displayed in the admin list
Clicking on the close icon applies the checked columns to be displayed
Admin list
Data table of admins
Summary count label (e.g. "Showing 1 to 5 of 10 items)
Pagination labels
Drop down to select number of items to show in a page
Previous icon: returns to the previous page
First icon: returns to the first page
Next icon: goes to the next page
Last icon: moves to the last page
Action button
When click it will show the following actions
Edit Info - when clicked, opens the create admin modal pop-up pre-filled with current user information
Can save/cancel updated information
Activate/Deactivate - When clicked, opens a activate/deactivate modal confirmation form
Delete - When clicked, opens a delete modal confirmation form
Must have
Admin Creation
As a back-end admin, I want to create admin users so that they can be added to the admin list
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on New Admin button, the New Admin popup will open with the following content:
Radio button for role options: Global Admin, Country Admin and Clinic Admin
Allow me to select the role of the new admin user I need to create
Shows the current role of the admin user that I am editing/updating
Only global admins can change user role
Email - required
Country - required (only for Country and Clinic Admins)
Drop down list of possible countries
Clinic/Institution - required (only for Clinic Admins)
Drop down list of possible clinics/institutions
First Name and Last Name - required
Create button (Save when editing existing user)
When I click on Create button:
Display warning/error messages if values fail validation (e.g. “Please fill in the email”)
If I input all required fields then I click on the Create button:
Save the new admin user
Show system notification of successful user creation
Cancel button
When click, closes modal pop-up and returns to the admin management page
Must have
Admin Deactivation
As a back-end admin, I want to deactivate admin users so that they can be temporarily denied access to the system
Admin Deletion
As a back-end admin, I want to delete admin users so that they can be permanently removed from the system
Therapist Management
As a country and/or clinic admin I want access to the therapist list so that I can manage the therapist accounts
Acceptance Criteria
Global/Country admins does not have access to the Therapists menu
For clinic admins, list only shows therapist on the same clinics
When I click on Therapists menu, I will be sent to the Therapist Management screen with the following content:
New Therapist button
When clicked, displays a therapist creation modular pop-up form
Search box
When users input the text (at least 1 character), the Therapist list will only return the records that one of their column values contain the search text (except Action column)
Filter button
When users click on the Filters button, a filter bar will appear below the title row with the search boxes corresponding to each title (except Action column):
Search boxes (ID, First Name and Last Name, Email, Clinic/Institution, Age, Ongoing patient limit, Assigned patients):
Default: blank
When users input the text (at least 1 character), the Therapist list will only return the records that have the search input text contained in the value column
Dropdown (Status)
Default: All
Filters therapists list that matches selected status
Calendar picker (Date of Birth, Last Login)
Default: blank
Last Login
Date format: dd/mm/yyyy
Filter therapist list that last login was on or before the selected date
Close icon: Closes/hide the Filters bar
Columns button
Shows a check box list of columns that are displayed in the therapist list
Default: All checked
If some columns are unchecked, All Columns check box is automatically unchecked
When an item is unchecked, column is not displayed in the therapist list
Clicking on the close icon applies the checked columns to be displayed
Therapist list
Data table of therapist
Summary count label (e.g. "Showing 1 to 5 of 10 items)
Pagination labels
Drop down to select number of items to show in a page
Previous icon: returns to the previous page
First icon: returns to the first page
Next icon: goes to the next page
Last icon: moves to the last page
Action button
When click it will show the following actions
Edit Info - when clicked, opens the create therapist modal pop-up pre-filled with current user information
Can save/cancel updated information
Activate/Deactivate - When clicked, opens a activate/deactivate modal confirmation form
Delete - When clicked, opens a delete modal confirmation form
Must have
Therapist Creation
As a clinic admin, I want to create therapist users so that they can be added to the therapist list
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on New Therapist button, the New Therapist popup will open with the following content:
Email - required
Country/Region/Province - required
Drop down list of possible countries
Drop down list of possible clinics/institutions
Patient limitOngoing treatments - requiredNumeric (default 15)
First Name and Last Name - required
Date of Birth - show calculated age
Language ?
Create button (Save when editing existing user)
When I click on Create button:
Display warning/error messages if values fail validation (e.g. “Please fill in the email”)
If I input all required fields then I click on the Create button:
Save the new
admintherapist userShow system notification of successful user creation
Cancel button
When click, closes modal pop-up and returns to the therapist management page
Must have
Therapist Deactivation
As a clinic admin, I want to deactivate therapist users so that they can be temporarily denied access to the system
Therapist Deletion
As a clinic admin, I want to delete admin users so that they can be permanently removed from the system
Patient List
As a global admin, I want to be able to see the list of patients in the system so that I can use that data for research and data analytics
Acceptance Criteria
Only global admin can access this page
When I click on Patients menu, I will be sent to the Patient List screen with the following content:
Search box
When users input the text (at least 1 character), the patients list will only return the records that one of their column values contain the search text (except Action column)
Filter button
When users click on the Filters button, a filter bar will appear below the title row with the search boxes corresponding to each title (except Action column):
Search boxes (ID):
Default: blank
When users input the text (at least 1 character), the Therapist list will only return the records that have the search input text contained in the value column
Dropdown (Status)
Default: All
Filters patient list that matches selected status
Close icon: Closes/hide the Filters bar
Columns button
Shows a check box list of columns that are displayed in the therapist list
Default: All checked
If some columns are unchecked, All Columns check box is automatically unchecked
When an item is unchecked, column is not displayed in the patient list
Clicking on the close icon applies the checked columns to be displayed
Patient list
Data table of therapist
Summary count label (e.g. "Showing 1 to 5 of 10 items)
Pagination labels
Drop down to select number of items to show in a page
Previous icon: returns to the previous page
First icon: returns to the first page
Next icon: goes to the next page
Last icon: moves to the last page
Must have
Services Management
As a global admin, I want to have a services management page so that I can access the list of services (exercises, educational materials and questionnaires) and manage the global library content
Acceptance Criteria
Only global admin can access this page
When I click on the Services Setup menu, I will have see the Services Setup page that shows:
Tab Bar
When clicked, displays the list of exercises
Education Materials
When clicked, displays the list of education materials
When clicked, displays the list of questionnaires
New Content button
When clicked, displays list of actions to create a:
New Exercise
New Education Material
New Questionnaire
When action is clicked opens the specific content creation modal dialog/page
Search/Filter Side Bar
Filter applied as we type or select values
Must have
Exercise Deletion
Education Material Deletion
Questionnaire Deletion
Search/Filter Side Bar
As a global admin, I want to be able to search or filter contents using the side bar so that I can see the filtered results in the content list on the right
Acceptance Criteria
Located on the left side of the services management page and has the following:
Search box - filters all text based fields that matches text
Categories filter (number will be based on the category depth)
Filter applied as we type or select values
Must have
Exercise List
Exercise Creation/Editing
As a global admin, I want to be able to create exercise content/activities so that I can add them to the global library and therapist can assign them to patient treatment plans
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on the New Content button and select New Exercise, I opens the create new exercise page
Has a radio button to select an option to create a single exercise or do a bulk upload of multiple exercises
When create a single exercise is selected the page will show a two-column form:
First column
Will display the thumbnails of the uploaded media for the exercise
Has a close button that removes/delete the image
After the last image (or on top if no images are uploaded yet) will have an Upload Media button that prompts user to upload a file
Second Column
Language drop down
List all language records available to the exercise
Has link in the last item to create new translation (no available if main language is not created yet)
Title: textbox, required, 255 characters
Aim: textbox, required, 255 charactersInstruction: textbox, required, 255 charactersInclude collecting feedback: checkbox, checked by default
If checked: Therapist will have set and rep when they add the exercise in a treatment program
If checked: Patient to input feedback on rep, set, pain level
Category: List all category drop down of Exercise as defined in the Categories management page
Create/Save button
Saves created/edited exercise
System notification of successful/failed saving
Cancel button
Returns to the exercise list without saving
For bulk upload of exercises
File to upload browse button to select the file to upload
Once uploaded, user needs to map columns to exercise fields ?
Must have
Exercise Bulk Upload
Exercise Cards
As a user, I want to display the exercise information as cards, so that I can visually display the important information easily
Acceptance Criteria
The card will show:
first image - assume GIF
title of exercise (hyperlink)
display max 3 lines
if longer than 3 lines show ellipsis
hover displays full title
categories of the exercisedisplay max 2 linesif more than 2 lines show ellipsishover displays all categories
Clicking on the title will open the Exercise Creation/Editing page ready for editing
Must have
Expanded Exercise Cards
media slideshow - manual switching of media
Nice to have
Education Material Creation/Editing
As a global admin, I want to be able to create/edit education materials so that I can add/update them in the global library of education materials
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on the New Content button and select New Education Material, it opens the create new education material pop-up modal form
Has a file browse button to select the file to be uploaded
Title: textbox, required, 255 characters
Categories drop downs: List all category drop down of Education Materials as defined in the Categories management page
Language drop down
List all language records available to the education material
Has link in the last item to create new translation (no available if main language is not created yet)
Create/Save button
Saves created/edited education material
System notification of successful/failed saving
Display red error message for failed field validation
Closes the dialog
Cancel button
Returns to the education materials list without saving
Closes the dialog
Must have
Additional Improvements
| ||
2 | Password Recovery Page As a back-end system admin, I want to be able to recover my password in case I forget it. | Additional Improvements
3 | User Roles and Permission As the site admin, I want to define different user roles and permissions so that I can set the what can and cannot be done by back-end system admins | Notes
4 | User Profile Page As a back-end admin, I want to view and edit my profile so that I can manage my own information. | Notes
5 | Change Password As a back-end admin, I want to edit my password so that I can update my password and keep it secured | Notes
6 | Logout As a back-end admin, I want to be able to logout of the system | Notes
7 | Admin Management As a global admin I want to access to the Global, and Country Admin list so that I can manage their accounts As a country admin I want to access to the Clinic Admin list so that I can manage their accounts | Notes
Additional Improvements
8 | Admin Creation As a back-end admin, I want to create admin users so that they can be added to the admin list | Notes
9 | Admin Deactivation As a global admin, I want to be able to activate/deactivate other global admin users, so that I can enable or temporarily disable their access to the system As a global admin, I want to be able to activate/deactivate country admin users, so that I can enable or temporarily disable their access to the system As a country admin, I want to be able to activate/deactivate clinic admin users, so that I can enable or temporarily disable their access to the system | Notes
10 | Admin Deletion As a global admin, I want to be able to delete other global admin users so that I can permanently remove their account from the system As a global admin, I want to be able to delete a country admin account, to permanently remove their account from the system As a country admin, I want to be able to delete a clinic admin account, to permanently remove their account from the system | Notes
11 | Therapist Management As clinic admin I want access to the therapist list so that I can manage the therapist accounts | Notes
Additional Improvements
12 | Therapist Creation As a clinic admin, I want to create therapist users so that they can be added to the therapist list | Notes
Additional Improvements
13 | Therapist Deactivation As a clinic admin, I want to be able to activate/deactivate therapist users, so that I can enable or temporarily disable their access to the system | Notes
14 | Therapist Deletion As a clinic admin, I want to delete therapist users so that they can be permanently removed from the system | Notes
15 | Patient List for Global Admin As a global admin, I want to be able to see the list of all patients in the system so that I can use that data for research and data analytics | Notes
Additional Improvements
16 | Therapist List for Global Admin As a global admin, I want to be able to see the list of all therapist in the system so that I can use that data for research and data analytics | Notes
17 | Services Management As a global admin, I want to have a services management page so that I can access the list of services (exercises, education materials and questionnaires) and manage the global library content | Notes
18 | Exercise List As a global admin, I want to be able to list exercises so that I can manage them | Notes
19 | Exercise Creation/Editing As a global admin, I want to be able to create exercise content/activities so that I can add them to the global library and therapist can assign them to patient treatment plans | Notes
Additional Improvements
20 | Exercise Deletion As a global admin, I want to be able to delete exercises, so that I can remove them from the global library | Notes
21 | Exercise Bulk Upload As a global admin, I want to upload an exercise spreadsheet so that I can create exercise activity in bulk | Notes
Additional Improvements
22 | Exercise Bulk Download As a global admin, I want to be able to download exercises in bulk so that I can modify them on a spreadsheet and upload a copy to update them. | Notes
23 | Exercise Cards As a global admin, I want to display the exercise information as cards, so that I can visually display the important information easily | Notes
Additional Improvements
24 | Exercise Details As a global admin, I want to display an expanded exercise card so that I can display more information about the activity | Notes
25 | Education Material Creation/Editing As a global admin, I want to be able to create/edit education materials so that I can add/update them in the global library of education materials | Notes
Additional Improvements
26 | Education Material List As a global admin, I want to be able to display the education materials as a data table list | Notes
27 | Education Material Deletion As a global admin, I want to be able to delete an education material, so that I can remove them from the global library | Notes
28 | Education Material Details As a global admin, I want to display a detail view of an education material so that I can display more information about the activity | Notes
29 | Questionnaire Creation/Editing As a global admin, I want to be able to create/edit questionnaires so that I can add/update them in the global library of questionnaires | Notes
30 | Questionnaire List As a global admin, I want to be able to display the questionnaires as a data table list | Notes
31 | Questionnaire Deletion As a global admin, I want to be able to delete a questionnaire, so that I can remove them from the global library | Notes
32 | Questionnaire Details As a global admin, I want to display a detail view of a questionnaire so that I can display more information about the activity | Notes
33 | Adding Questions to Questionnaire As a global admin, I want to be able to create/edit questions so that I can add/update them in questionnaires | Notes
34 | Categories Management As a global admin, I want to manage the Category of contents (Exercises, Questionnaires, Education Materials), so that I can view and list the categories easier | Notes
35 | Create/Edit Category As a Global Admin, I want to be able to create/edit categories so that I can add categories which I can use to differentiate contents | Notes
36 | Delete Category As a global admin, I want to be able to delete categories so that I can remove them from the system | Notes
37 | Settings - Country As a global admin, I want to be able to add different countries that can use the system, so that when we deploy to system to that country they can be chosen when creating users in the system | Notes
38 | Settings - Languages As a global admin, I want to be able to add languages, so that I can add translations of the system in that language and add multi-language support | |
39 | Settings - Translations As a global admin, I want to have a settings page for translations so that I can enter the corresponding translations of the applications labels into different available languages of the system | Notes
40 | Settings - Terms and Conditions As a global admin, I want to enter/update the terms and conditions for using the system, so that the I can get the therapist and patient to consent to agreeing to it | Notes
41 | Settings - Privacy Policy As a global admin, I want to enter/update the privacy policy of the system, so that the I can get the therapist and patient to consent to agreeing to it | Notes
42 | Settings - System Limits As a global admin, I want to set some of the limits of the system, so that the users does not abuse it | Notes
43 | Settings - Static Pages As a global admin, I want to be able to customize some certain static page contents, so that I can control what is being displayed in these pages | Notes
44 | Settings - On boarding/tutorial pop-up As a global admin, I want to be able to |
Acceptance Criteria
Data table of Education Materials
Type - File type
Summary count label (e.g. "Showing 1 to 5 of 10 items)
Pagination labels
Drop down to select number of items to show in a page
Previous icon: returns to the previous page
First icon: returns to the first page
Next icon: goes to the next page
Last icon: moves to the last page
Action button
When click it will show the following actions
Edit Info - when clicked, opens the create education material modal pop-up pre-filled with current content information
Can save/cancel updated information
Delete - When clicked, opens a delete modal confirmation form
Must have
Questionnaire Creation/Editing
As a global admin, I want to be able to create/edit questionnaires so that I can add/update them in the global library of questionnaires
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on the New Content button and select New Questionnaire, it opens the create new questionnaire page
Title: textbox, required, 255 characters
Category drop downs: List all questionnaire category as defined in the Categories management page
Language drop down
List all language records available to the education material
Has link in the last item to create new translation (no available if main language is not created yet)
Description: textbox, required, 255 characters
New Question button
At least one questions should be in the questionnaire
Click adds a question
Question can be dragged to set question order
Question number label dynamically changes based on order
Copy question
Copy icon when clicked creates a copy of the question added at the bottom of the list
Create/Save button
Saves created/edited questionnaire
System notification of successful/failed saving
Display red error messages for failed field validation
Closes the dialog
Cancel button
Returns to the questionnaire list without saving
Closes the dialog
Must have
Adding Questions to Questionnaire
As a global admin, I want to be able to create/edit questions so that I can add/update them in questionnaires
Acceptance Criteria
Clicking the New Question button on the questionnaire create/edit page opens a question creation form
Has a top bar that displays
Question number
Drag grip icon
Click and drag re-orders the question
Copy Icon
copies the questions and add it to the bottom of the question list
Edit Icon
clicking allows user to edit the form
Delete Ion
pops up a confirmation dialog and deletes after confirmation
Has the following form fields
Question - free text, required, 255 characters
Question type - dropdown, required
Multiple choice
2 checkbox options
Free text
Numbers only
Upload image link
Answer Options - required
Checkboxes - minimum of two options, can multi-select
Multiple choice - minimum of two options, can only choose 1 option
free text - max 255 characters
numbers only - numbers only max 15 character
Done button
Saves created/edited question
System notification of successful/failed saving
Display red error messages for failed field validation
Closes the question form
Cancel button
Returns to the questionnaire list without saving
Closes the question form
Must have
Questionnaire List
As a global admin, I want to be able to display the questionnaires as a data table list
Acceptance Criteria
Data table of Questionnaires
Number of questions
Summary count label (e.g. "Showing 1 to 5 of 10 items)
Pagination labels
Drop down to select number of items to show in a page
Previous icon: returns to the previous page
First icon: returns to the first page
Next icon: goes to the next page
Last icon: moves to the last page
Action button
When click it will show the following actions
Edit Info - when clicked, opens the create questionnaire page
Can save/cancel updated information
Delete - When clicked, opens a delete modal confirmation form
Must have
Categories Management
As a Global Admin, I want to manage the Category of contents (Exercises, Questionnaires, Education Materials), so that I can manage the contents easier
Acceptance Criteria
When I click on the Categories menu, I will open the categories list page
It will have 3 tabs for Exercises, Questionnaires and Education Materials
Each tab will have a multi-column layout where each column corresponds to a category level
On each column
Have search box to search/filter category
Have a icon to add new category
Clicking the category name displays the category values
Clicking the category value displays the sub-category in the next column
On each category item will have
Edit Icon
clicking opens the create/edit category pop-up
Delete Icon
deletes category
only available if category is not in use
Categories that are not used will have a "Not in use" label
Must have
Create/Edit Category
As a Global Admin, I want to be able to create/edit categories so that I have more categories I can use to differentiate contents
Acceptance Criteria
When I click the icon in the categories column, I will open the create/edit category pop-up dialog
The dialog has
Radio button to indicate if Existing Category or New Category
Category: text box, required, 255 characters
Not available if category level is the same as the maximum depth
Category value: text box, required, 255 characters
I can add multiple values by separate them by semicolon (;)
Add/Save button
Add/saves created/edited category
System notification of successful/failed saving
Display red error messages for failed field validation
Closes the dialog
Cancel button
Returns to the category list without saving
Closes the dialog
Must have
User interaction and Workflow
User goes to site
User enters email and password
If credentials are correct, loads the dashboard page
Else, prompted for wrong login credentials and user can
Retry login, or
Reset password
User resets password
User clicks the "Forget your password?" link to load the Password Recovery page
User enters email and clicks on the Recover Password button
If user's email exist on the database, success notification is shown and password recovery email is sent to the user's email
If email has not been received, user can click link to resend the email
Else, failed notification is shown and message says that the email does not exist in the database
User clicks on the "< Login" link to go back to the login page
View/Edit User Profile
User clicks on user name in the top right corner and selects Update Profile
Loads the User Profile page with the Profile Information tab active
User updates information and clicks the Save button to save changes or Cancel to revert to the changes to last save information
Displays success notification when save is successful
Change Password
User clicks on user name in the top right corner and selects Change Password
Loads the User Profile page with the Password tab active
User types current password
User types new password
User confirms new password
User clicks the Save button to save new password or Cancel to revert to the changes
If current password is correct and New password and Confirm new password match each other
Then, the new password is updated to the database
Show system notification “Password changed successfully!”
If the password input in Old Password does not match with the current password, a red text line message will be displayed: “Old password is not valid.”
If the input New password and Confirm new password do not match each other, a red text line message will be displayed: “Confirm new password does not match.”
User clicks on user name in the top right corner and selects Logout
User gets logout of the session and returns to the login page
User after login is redirected to the dashboard page and shows the data and charts of the dashboard
User can click on the dashboard menu to go to the dashboard page
Admin Management - Viewing Other Admin Users
User clicks on Admins menu and loads the Admin Management page
User can select 3 different tabs:
Global Admins
Can be accessed by Global Admins
When clicked, displays the list of global admins
Country Admins
Can be accessed by Global Admins
Can be accessed by Country Admins
When clicked, displays the list of country admins
Clinic Admins
Can be accessed by Global Admins
Can be accessed by Country Admins
When clicked, displays the list of clinic admins
Admin Management - Search/Filter Other Admin Users
User clicks on Admins menu and loads the Admin Management page
User can select a tab to search admin list
User types on the Search box, the admin list will only return the records that one of their column values contain the search text
User clicks on the Filter button and types on a specific filter in the filter bar and the admin list will only return the records that matches the text in the specific column/field
User can customizes the columns displayed in the data table by clicking on the Columns button and toggle the checkbox of the columns that they want displayed
User can customize the number of items shown in the data table by selecting the number of items to be shown in a page
Admin Management - Create New Admin
User clicks on New Admin button to open the Create/Edit Admin User popup
User chooses what type of admin user is created: Global Admin, Country Admin or Clinic Admin
Global admin can create Global Admin, Country Admin or Clinic Admin users (each country would need a Country Admin.
)Country admin can create Clinic Admin users
User enters required information for new Admin user and clicks on the Create button
If all input fields are valid, then it saves the new Admin user and show system notification of successful user creation
Else, display warning/error messages
User clicks on the Cancel button to cancel the Admin user creation and closes pop-up and returns to the Admin user list
Admin Management - Edit Admin User Information
User clicks on Actions > Edit Info button of the Admin user that they want to edit and opens the Create/Edit Admin User popup
Pop-up is pre-filled with existing information of selected Admin user
If global admin user, then they can change the admin user type of selected Admin user
User edits/update information of the selected Admin user and clicks on the Save button
If all input fields are valid, then it saves the updated Admin user's information and show system notification of successful user information update
Else, display warning/error messages
User clicks on the Cancel button to cancel the Admin user information update and closes pop-up and returns to the Admin user list
Admin Management - Deactivate Admin User
User clicks on Actions > Deactivate button of the Admin user that they want to deactivate
Opens an activate/deactivate modal confirmation form, when confirmed changes the status of the Admin user account
Deactivated accounts cannot login into the system
Admin Management - Delete Admin User
User clicks on Actions > Delete button of the Admin user that they want to delete the account
Opens an delete modal confirmation form, when confirmed deletes the account of the selected Admin user
Therapist Management - Viewing List of Therapists
User clicks on Therapist menu and loads the Therapist Management page
Global admin users does not have access to the page
Country admin users only see therapists that belong to the same country
Clinic admins can only see therapist that are from the same institution/clinic
Therapist Management - Search/Filter Other Therapists
User clicks on Therapist menu and loads the Therapist Management page
User types on the Search box, the therapist list will only return the records that one of their column values contain the search text
User clicks on the Filter button and types on a specific filter in the filter bar and the therapist list will only return the records that matches the text in the specific column/field
User can customizes the columns displayed in the data table by clicking on the Columns button and toggle the checkbox of the columns that they want displayed
User can customize the number of items shown in the data table by selecting the number of items to be shown in a page
Therapist Management - Create New Therapist
User clicks on New Therapist button to open the Create/Edit Therapist popup
User enters required information for new Therapist and clicks on the Create button
If all input fields are valid, then it saves the new Therapist and show system notification of successful creation
Else, display warning/error messages
User clicks on the Cancel button to cancel the Therapist creation and closes pop-up and returns to the Therapist list
Therapist Management - Edit Therapist Information
User clicks on Actions > Edit Info button of the Therapist that they want to edit and opens the Create/Edit Therapist popup
Pop-up is pre-filled with existing information of selected Therapist
User edits/update information of the selected Therapist and clicks on the Save button
If all input fields are valid, then it save the updated Therapist's information and show system notification of successful user information update
Else, display warning/error messages
User clicks on the Cancel button to cancel the Therapist information update and closes pop-up and returns to the Therapist list
Therapist Management - Deactivate Admin User
User clicks on Actions > Deactivate button of the Therapist that they want to deactivate
Opens an activate/deactivate modal confirmation form, when confirmed changes the status of the Therapist account
Deactivated accounts cannot login into the system
Therapist Management - Delete Admin User
User clicks on Actions > Delete button of the Therapist that they want to delete the account
Opens an delete modal confirmation form, when confirmed deletes the account of the selected Therapist
Services Management - Viewing List of Services
Only available to Global admin users
User clicks on Services Setup menu to open the services management page
User can select 3 different tabs:
Exercises - List all of existing exercises
Education Materials - List all of existing education materials
Questionnaire - List all of existing questionnaire
Services Management - Search/Filter Other Service Contents
User clicks on Services Setup menu to open the services management page
User selects tab of specific service content that they want to search/filter
User types on the Search box, the service content list will only return the records that one of their column values contain the search text
User can filter the service content by category and language by selecting the value from the drop down list
Services Management - Create New Single Exercise Content
User clicks on Services Setup menu to open the services management page
User clicks on New Content button and selects New Exercise to open the Create/Edit Exercise page
User selects the option to create a single exercise
User uploads media for the exercise
Can select/browse from desktop file
Can drag/drop files into the media area
Can remove added media by clicking on the icon
User fills in exercise information
User clicks the Create/Save button
Saves created/edited exercise
System notification of successful/failed saving
User clicks the Cancel button to cancel content creation and returns to the exercise list without saving
Services Management - Create New Exercise Content in Bulk
User clicks on Services Setup menu to open the services management page
User clicks on New Content button and selects New Exercise to open the Create/Edit Exercise page
User selects the option to upload bulk exercises
User can download a template for the spreadsheet
User uploads XLSX/CSV of exercises
Can select/browse from desktop file
Can drag/drop files into the upload area
User maps the spreadsheet columns to exercise fields (how to include if exercise needs to include reps and set and pain ?)
User clicks the Upload button
System creates the exercises
System displays report of new exercise created and in what language
System notification of successful/failed saving
User clicks the Cancel button to cancel bulk upload and returns to the exercise list
Services Management - Create New Education Material Content
User clicks on Services Setup menu to open the services management page
User clicks on New Content button and selects New Education Material to open the Create/Edit Education Material pop-up
User uploads file for the content
Can select/browse from desktop file
Can drag/drop files into the upload area
User fills in Education Material information
User clicks the Create/Save button
Saves created/edited Education Material
System notification of successful/failed saving
User clicks the Cancel button to cancel content creation and returns to the Education Material list without saving
Services Management - Create New Questionnaire Content
User clicks on Services Setup menu to open the services management page
User clicks on New Content button and selects New Questionnaire to open the Create/Edit Questionnaire page
User fills in Questionnaire information
User clicks the Add Question button to add at least one question
User enters the question and question type
User can upload a photo for the question
Can select/browse from desktop file
Can drag/drop files into the upload area
User enters answer options (depends on question type)
User can re-order questions by dragging them
User can copy a question and created copy is added as the last question in the list
User clicks the Create/Save button
Saves created/edited Questionnaire
System notification of successful/failed saving
User clicks the Cancel button to cancel content creation and returns to the Questionnaire list without saving
Categories Management - View Categories for Each Content Type
Only available to Global admin users
User clicks on Categories menu to open the categories management page
User can select 3 different tabs:
Exercises - List all of exercise categories
Education Materials - List all of education material categories
Questionnaire - List all of questionnaire categories
User clicks on the parent category and expands and displays the categories
User clicks on the category it displays the sub-categories on the next column
User clicks on the sub-category and displays the sub-category values on the next column
Categories Management - Add/Edit Categories
User clicks on the icon to add a new category
Opens a pop-up to enter the category/sub-category name and values
Multiple values can be added using semi-colon separated values
User clicks the Add button to add the category and it's values
User clicks the Cancel button to cancel the addition of the category and closes the pop-up
User clicks on the icon to edit an existing category
Opens a pop-up to edit the category/sub-category name and values
Multiple values can be added using semi-colon separated values
User clicks the Save button to save the category and it's values
User clicks the Cancel button to cancel the edit of the category and closes the pop-up
setup an on boarding/tutorial welcome screen on the therapist portal, so that it can be displayed when a therapist logs in and can guide them on the next steps to take. | Notes
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45 | Dashboard As a back-end admin, I want to view brief information about admins, therapists, patients and treatments | Notes