The treatment details page have 4 tabs: Activities, Adherence, Questionnaires, and Goals Tracking
The Activities tab displays all activities of the treatment plan. The user can toggle between weeks and also click on the activity cards to see their details.
Clicking on the Library menu will display a page that lists the global library of different activities that a therapist can assign to their patients. There are four tabs that list the different activities that the therapist can view 1) Exercises, 2) Education Materials, 3) Questionnaires, and 4) Preset Treatments. The list will also include activities that were created by the logged-in therapist user.
Get the list of existing Exercises by clicking on the Exercises tab on the Library page. The exercises are displayed as cards that show the following:
Select the Upload single exercise radio button
A MEDIA section to display the uploaded image/video to the exercise
An Upload Image button - Opens a file browser pop-up to select the image to upload. Users can select multiple images.
Showing language version - This displays the language of the exercise. If this is a new exercise, it will always show English by default to create the initial exercise in the default language.
Title - The title/name of the exercise
CATEGORIES section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each main category.
A category box will show a tree view of sub-categories that the user can select to categorize the exercise
Additional Information - Users can add more information fields by clicking on the + Add more field link. Each additional information will require the users to enter a Label and Value field.
Set default exercise sets and reps - The therapist can set default sets and reps of the exercise
Get pain level feedback - The therapist can check this to get the pain level feedback from the patient
NOTE: Therapist can also create a duplicate of a global exercise by clicking on the copy button in the detail pop up. When you click on the copy button of the exercise, it will open the create edit exercise form to customize the exercise details. |
Showing language version - This displays the language of the education material. If this is a new education material, it will always show English by default to create the initial education material in the default language.
Title - The title/name of the educational material
Upload file - Upload the document/file that will be attached to the educational material content.
The attachment can be a PDF, image, or video file.
CATEGORIES section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each main category.
A category box will show a tree view of sub-categories that the user can select to categorize the exercise
NOTE: When creating translated versions of education materials, the user also needs to upload a translated version of the attachment. |
Title - The title/name of the questionnaire
Showing language version - This displays the language of the questionnaire. If this is a new questionnaire, it will always show English by default to create the initial questionnaire in the default language.
Description - A short description of the questionnaire. Users can also add general instructions of the questionnaire in this field.
CATEGORIES section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each main category.
A category box will show a tree view of sub-categories that the user can select to categorize the exercise
QUESTIONS section - composed of collapsible boxes, one box for each question
A questionnaire has at least one question
Another question box by clicking on the ⊕ New Question link.
Question Box
Users enter the details of a question on the collapsible question box. The box has the following information:
Unaccepted or declined appointments will be displayed as:
Chats and Calls Page
Clicking on the Chat/Call menu will display a page that shows a chat and call page. The page displays a patient contact list on the left panel and the message history panel on the right,