URL: https://github.com/OpenTeleRehab
Git version >= 2.0.0
NodeJS version >= 10.0.0 && < 15.0.0
Yarn version >= 1.20.0
JDK OpenJDK or Standard Edition version >= 8 (10 is recommended)
Patient Service
Run code check style with phpcs
Please visit L5-Swagger more detail.
Patient App
Git version >= 2.0.0
NodeJS version >= 10.0.0 && < 15.0.0
Yarn version >= 1.20.0
Configure Android environment variables
Code Block vi ~/.zshrc.local # vi ~/.bash_profile
Add the following lines
Code Block export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Android/Sdk export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
Reload bash configuration (restart your terminal or run below command)
Code Block source ~/.zshrc.local # source ~/.bash_profile
Configure iOS environment [TODO]