Clone project to your development workspace
Code Block git clone https://github.com/OpenTeleRehab/Distribution.git ~/dev/docker-projects/hiv/distribution
Navigate to your project
Code Block cd ~/dev/docker-projects/hiv/distribution sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} .
Run script to set up
Code Block chmod u+x local_setup/setup.sh ./local_setup/setup.sh
Note: Actually, the script is trying to kill all conflict ports but sometimes it could not. So if there are conflict ports, you have to kill it first then rerun the script. Here is the command to kill the port in Linux:
sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:PORT_TO_FREE)
.Verify installation by visiting the site below:
Admin Portal with user access below:
super-admin@we.co / sup3r@Admin
organization-admin@we.co / 0rganization@Admin
country-admin@we.co / c0untry@Admin
clinic-admin@we.co / cl1nic@Admin
Therapist Portal with user access below:
therapist@we.co / th3rapist@WE
Library Portal with user access below:
admin@we.co / admin@user